Category Archives: Toilet Repair/Replacement

Dual Flush Toilets to Save Water

The dual flush toilet technology was first developed in Australia in 1980 and was invented by Bruce Thompson. They were designed to consume a lesser amount of water as compared to the normal flush.  The government of Australia offered him financial assistance to build this technology. He used a cylinder shaped tank with two buttons at the top of it. The shorter flush can store up to 5.5 liters of water while the full flush has the capacity of 11 liters. This technology uses 67% less water than the ordinary flush system.

The normal flush consumes a lot of water and these were designed to reduce the amount of water consumption and efficient use the water. According to the reports of Environmental Protection Agency half of the world will be suffering from water shortage due to excessive use so the usage of water must be managed in an effective way. This technology is being adopted rapidly in different countries where water shortage is experienced.

The dual flush system was redesigned in 1994 by Caroma and he reduced the capacity of flushes to 6 and 3 liters in the full and short flush respectively.  This made them more efficient in consuming less water. These toilets are now imported to Europe and other countries in Asia. The governments have encouraged the use of dual flush toilets so that the use of excessive of water can be avoided.

This flush system is user-friendly and provides a choice of flushes. It has two buttons, one for liquid waste and the other for solid.  The shorter one is used for liquid whereas the full flush is for solid waste. This technology use less amount of water to flush away the waste. The normal flush system uses the process of water pressure combined with the air pressure to wash away the waste while the dual system utilizes the pressure of water to drain the waste. This makes the dual flush toilet more efficient in consuming water. Even the full flush consumes lesser amount of water in comparison to full flush.

The ordinary flush system can easily be replaced by dual flush toilet. There are two options of doing it, either to make changes to the entire toilet or just by replacing the ordinary flush tank with dual action flush lever and valve. The conversion kits are easily available in the market and cost about US $29-30.

These innovative dual flush toilets have a number of advantages. First of all they are user-friendly and are available in the latest designs. Secondly, they save us from the excessive use of water as they have two buttons for flushing one for liquid and the other for solid waste. The only disadvantage of these dual flush toilets is their fitting in the already constructed bathrooms. But thanks to the dual flush conversion kits which are present in the market and can be purchased at a minimal price.

With their growing popularity another alternate of dual conversion kits have helped thousands of people in installing this technology.  The ordinary flush can easily be converted into dual flush toilet by attaching a rubber handle that can use either partial amount of water stored in the tank or empty the whole of it depending on which side it is bent.  These dual flush conversion kits not only save water but also money.

Home Plumbing Advice for Everybody

One single home plumbing advice that one can give to anyone encountering bathroom plumbing problems is to call a plumber to get the problem fixed. Naturally, this is a solution that is fail-proof, especially for the most menial plumbing task. That’s why they’re called plumbers. On the other hand, it’s still important that people know how to take care of their household in every aspect possible and in this case, the bathroom.

The bathroom serves a lot of purposes for people. Making sure that everything inside the bathroom is working smoothly is something that people can easily do without having to call for a plumber daily. A background in plumbing is not really needed. Home plumbing can be quite tricky so maintaining the bathroom can help prevent dealing with bigger problems later on.

It is important that one should start first with maintaining the orderliness and the cleanliness of the bathroom. This way it is easier to navigate through and use the bathroom. This would also help prevent any unnatural occurrence that may result to damage within the bathroom.

One must always be aware of the condition of the different systems involved in their home plumbing as well. A water heating system can be considered as a good example for this instance. There are a lot of devices and functionalities involving the heating of water used in the bathroom. Keeping this system in perfect shape will assure homeowners that their bathrooms will be free from hot water accidents.

Bathrooms may need changes every once in a while. More often than not, homeowners may find themselves doing the necessary changes they want done in their bathrooms. An example would be the installation of a dryer. As long as the dryer will be placed in an accessible yet safe location within the bathroom, anybody can easily accomplish this kind of installation.

Knowing as to whenever there might be a problem within the bathroom doesn’t really call for a genius. At the first sign of an abnormality or any unusual sounds when using items within the bathroom, it would be good to carefully investigate as to what is causing these unusual occurrences. Never ignore something that you feel would end up badly later on.

Most of all, it is important to educate every single person who uses the same bathroom every day on its proper use and maintenance. Bathrooms will definitely stay in good shape for a long period of time with its users not abusing it and taking good care of it. Moreover, some bathrooms have innovative systems installed in them. Knowing how to properly use these will help prevent unwanted incidents as well.

Home plumbing issues are no simple matters. Plumbing can’t be easily done and solutions to plumbing problems can’t be easily provided as well. Don’t wait for these events to happen. Simple plumbing problems can always be solved by simple solutions that anybody can do even without the help of an experience plumber. Like they always say, prevention is better than cure.


For your residential or commercial bathroom plumbing needs call us! We cover all of the metro Atlanta area including Acworth,  Woodstock, Marietta, Kennesaw,  Smyrna, Vinings, and much more.

Bathroom Plumbing Tips

Any house won’t be complete without a bathroom. Cleaning and caring for the bathroom is just the same as cleaning and caring for the other parts of a house. However, special attention might be needed for bathroom plumbing. This is why most households would simply depend on the expertise of plumbers to tend to their bathroom plumbing needs. Nonetheless, bathroom plumbing tips are available for anyone who wants to take on the challenges of their own bathrooms.

Nothing beats the skillful approach of a plumber to your plumbing needs. Still, homeowners may find these tips useful in managing simple bath plumbing tasks and problems. It is possible that certain situations need no complicated treatment by a plumber but a simple task that anybody can do with the proper guidance.Home Plumbing Tips

One problem often encountered in bathroom plumbing is a clogged toilet. This is characterized by the rise of water in the toilet when it is flushed. The easiest way to solve this problem is by turning off the valve of the toilet. This valve can be found right below the toilet tank. Once the valve is turned off, the plunger can be used to unclog the toilet. After removing the cause of clogging, the toilet should be working well — just like before — right after the valve is turned on.

A related problem to the one just mentioned is the flapper not reaching its supposed height for a certain period of time in order for the flush to be completed. This flapper enables the flow of water into and out of the toilet. Flappers not in good condition or not functioning well may later cause toilets to leak and continuously run.

Aside from flappers failing to perform its tasks, toilets that seem to never stop leaking may be caused by different reasons. Shortage in water toilet supply may be a reason for disrupting the flow of water into the dam. In other cases, the valve that facilitates the water into the tank may be dysfunctional; thus, letting in too much water.

Other than these problems, homeowners may also want to try taking plumbing matters into their own hands such as installing the toilet. The first step includes planning and gathering of needed materials. To accomplish this task, one must have a seat, a bowl, a tank, a wax ring, initial water supply and a few screws and screw drivers.

The valve that allows water flow should be turned off at this point. To install the new set of materials for the toilet, the old pieces must be removed. With the use of a few screws and bolts, the new toilet can now be easily put into place while the old set can wait to be disposed of

Generally bathroom plumbing tips provide guides on how to maintain the proper functioning of bath plumbing system. These tips also enlighten homeowners on factors that indicate the condition of their bathrooms’ plumbing. If the problem or task at hand is too much to handle, experienced plumbers will always be ready to be of service.

Call us if you are looking for an Acworth plumber, a Marietta plumber, or a Woodstock plumber.

Plumbing Services Acworth

K.L. Contractor Plumbing as been providing plumbing services in Acworth, GA since 1999. We are based out of Acworth and are not only licensed, but also bonded in Cobb County.

We offer a full range of plumbing services including but not limited to the repair and/or installation of the following:

We provide plumbing services in Acworth for both residential and commercial clients. Whether its an emergency situation when you need a plumber quick, fast, and in a hurry, or if you’re remodeling to get that “dream home” you’ve always wanted, we can help. Our technicians are courteous and highly trained and want to help you to solve your problem. Quality is our main goal and speed of service is a close second. We want to make sure that when the job is done, its done. We have been called in before to fix problems left behind by less motivated plumbers and we’ve vowed to never leave a client in that situation.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We know that when you are looking for plumbing services in Acworth you have a lot of plumbers to choose from. Who should you choose? What makes one different from the rest? This is a common feeling and we want you to feel secure when you choose us to be your plumber. That’s why we offer our 100% satisfaction guarantee. That is, we make sure that the job is done to your complete satisfaction. If you’re not satisfied, we’re not done.

Quick Response

As we are located in Acworth we are very quick to respond to calls in our fair city. Give us a call today and find out for yourself how convenient it is to have us as your neighbor.