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Hard Water – Acworth Plumber

Hard water is water that has a high concentration of minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium, but it also may contain bicarbonates or sulfates. While the term “hard water” sounds bad, it is usually not considered harmful for consumption.

One of the disadvantages of hard water in the residence is the presence of scaling. This is the layers of minerals that are left over after the hard water has evaporated. This scale can clog piping in the home, cause damage to water heaters and plumbing fixtures, and ruin such items as teapots and coffee makers.

hard water acworth plumber

One way to combat scaling caused by hard water is to “soften” the water. An ion exchange water softener is a fairly inexpensive product used to soften the water. Basically, the hard water enters the softener and the minerals in the water are partially absorbed into ion exchange beads. When this happens, sodium ions are released into the water, helping the further soften the water.

Potassium chloride can also be used instead of sodium chloride, exchanging ions in the minerals with potassium ions in place of sodium ions.

If you have hard water and need a plumber in the Acworth, Marietta, Woodstock, or anywhere else in our North Georgia service area, and want a permanent solution, contact us today.

For more information about hard water, try Wikipedia or To Soften Or Not To Soften.